求红颜劫电视剧全集,"上海德颂经贸发展有限公司是经上海市工商局核准的咨询、产品贸易代理的机构。 主要业务范围是投资项目分析、评估;市场营销代理。可以为中外投资者提供工、商业地产选址、政策咨询等服务,为客户提供佳的投资选择。一、工业地产和商业地产的选址考察、租售服务代理.Chooses the place for investor about industry real estate and commercial real estate inspects to the development zone sale and rental service proxy.二、工程建设项目报批代理:规划许可证、施工许可证、竣工验收、产证代理。Consulting and agency of construction projects: applying for planning permit and construction license of construction project applying for real estates license. etc.三、内外资公司注册、变更代理服务;企业管理策划、市场调研、人才引荐服务.Complete consulting service for domestic capital and foreign capital such as the company registers or change .The business management plan the market investigation and study the talented p..,在公司的庞大的资源信息网络。